Everything About RSA Training Course

Through RSA training, people working in licensed establishments will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to operate them safely and responsibly.

A requirement for RSA training is applicable to licensees and staff selling, offering, or serving liquor in general on-premises, late-night, and packaged liquor licenses. We can also attach an RSA condition to any liquor license if we deem it necessary.

A licensee and staff associated with a licensed premise that is required to comply with the RSA requirements have one month from the date the first sale, offer for sale, or service of liquor on licensed premises occurs to complete the RSA training course.

A person under the age of 18 may complete an approved RSA training course; however, they must wait until they reach the age of 18 before using the training.

All licensees and staff selling, offering, or serving liquor for general on-premises late-night and packaged liquor licenses are required to obtain RSA certification.

It is important to note that each state in Australia has its requirements regarding RSA. If you are seeking RSA certification or courses in Australia, look no further than CFT, the leading provider of food safety training and certification.

What is an RSA course?

There is a requirement to complete an RSA course provided by a certified training provider in order to be authorized to sell, serve, or supply alcohol in Australia. The RSA training course provides an overview of state liquor laws and guides serving and supplying alcohol responsibly.

As well as providing critical information about helping customers stay within safe limits while drinking, our RSA courses also provide students with an understanding of how to assess the amount of alcohol consumed by clients and how to refuse services.

How long does the RSA course take?

It may take an individual from one to two months to complete an online RSA course. Several factors will influence how long you will need to complete the course. These factors include your existing knowledge, your computer skills, and the amount of time you wish to dedicate to the course.

In general, it will take most students between 2 and 4 hours to complete the RSA training. In addition, we recommend that you not take long breaks between training sessions as you may not be able to recall the learning materials as clearly after some time.

Can I get my RSA online?

In addition to RSA training sessions conducted on-site, there are RSA training sessions delivered online for those who prefer to learn online or simply want the flexibility of completing a training session at their own pace.

Training courses are available for each state’s legislation, whether you live in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, or the Northern Territory.

In addition, there are no better or worse ways to complete an RSA course, whether it is conducted online or in person. However, the advantage of obtaining a certificate through an online course is that it saves the student time traveling for in-person training. Online RSA courses are also usually much less expensive than in-person courses.

To get RSA course click here

What are the benefits of completing an RSA course?

What are the benefits of completing an RSA course?

As a result of completing an RSA course will allow you to gain employment in various industries, including bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, event management, and catering. Furthermore, reducing the number of problems and crimes resulting from intoxication in children, juvenile drinking, and drunk driving is beneficial.

Having an RSA will ensure that your establishment maintains a positive reputation in the long run, especially if you intend to open a new establishment that serves alcohol. Future employers from other industries will also look for RSA certificates in job applications to demonstrate their commitment to learning and upskilling.

What are the assessment requirements?

If you wish to pass the Responsible Service of Alcohol course, you will have to complete both a written and practical assessment. However, you will not have to revise before the course, as the Safety Australia instructor will teach you everything you need to know on the day of the course.

Is it possible for you to fail your RSA course?

In addition, you will have the opportunity to re-answer the questions if you answer the questions incorrectly. Support teams are usually available to assist with any assistance you may need. Staff members can also track students who are experiencing difficulty and may be able to e-mail them to offer assistance with their studies.

Are there any verbal assessments required for RSA?

The CFT RSA course assessment generally does not include a verbal assessment over the phone. The assessment consists of answering questions and studying case studies that are integrated into the online content.

What are the course outcomes?

  • As a result of completing this course, participants will receive an interim RSA certificate that will allow them to work immediately in licensed venues throughout the state, except the Kings Cross area in Sydney, where you will be required to wait until you receive your photo identification card.
  • It will be necessary for you to present the interim certificate and 100 points of identification to an NSW Service Centre or RMS office so that you may obtain your photo ID.

The Service NSW center locator allows you to locate your nearest location. In addition to your Safety Australia training fee, you will need to pay a fee for the photo card, so you will not have to pay an additional fee to collect the photo card.

  • Upon receiving your card, you will be able to work in licensed venues for the next five years as evidence that you have completed the required training.

As a final note, most states are now allowing people to complete the RSA Course online; this allows them to complete the course at their own pace and at a convenient time. It is convenient, easy to take, much less expensive than face-to-face training, and fully accredited.

Payment Plans Available

Pay your course fees in 4 installments through AfterPay or Klarna.