(Parties are: safety Australia training and consulting Pty Ltd, {and any of its subsidiaries} called the Company; the signatory on the Course Registration Form herinafter called the Purchaser)


The placing of an order with the Company is deemed to be acceptance by the Purchaser on the following terms and conditions. No variation or modification of, or substitution for, this policy / terms and conditions shall be binding unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company.


An order shall be deemed as accepted by the Company and binding on both parties when it is received with the signed Course Registration Form and a confirmation has been supplied back to the Purchaser.


All Nationally Recognized Training is GST exempt. Any training delivered that is not under the Company’s scope of registration (non-accredited training) will attract GST. Any charges relating to GST, or otherwise, will be advised to the Purchaser prior to completing the Course Registration Form.


The Company is in partnership with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and as such, is compliant with the relevant standards set under the Australian Quality Training Framework, ensuring systems are in place to plan for and provide quality training and assessment across all of its operations.

Access & Equity

The Company applies access and equity principles and provides timely and appropriate information, advice and support services which assist clients to identify and achieve their desired outcomes as required under the Australian Quality Training Framework. Should the Purchaser have any specific access or equity requirements or queries, please contact the Company prior to undertaking training.

Cancellations & Refunds Policy

• Should a cancellation of enrolment be advised within 24 hours after the booking, the Purchaser will be automatically enrolled into a future equivalent course, or may request a full refund.

• The full course fee will be charged to the Purchaser for cancellations made after 24 hours of the time that booking is received.

• In an event that a booking is made less than 24 hours prior to the starting date/time of the course, the course fee is not refundable.

• Should a non-attendance occur, or attendance occur after 20minutes that course is started, no refund or transfer is applicable and the entire cost of the course will be due and payable in full.

• Any cancellations must be supplied by the Purchaser in writing to the Company.

• Deposit payment is not refundable.

• For all courses with less than $500 course fee, $100 administration fee is applied for all refunds.

• For all courses with over $500 course fee, $200 administration fee is applied for all refunds.

Appeals and Complaints Procedure

As a partnership with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), the Company has a formal appeals and complaints procedure. Should further information be required, please contact the Company.


The Company ensures all relevant Commonwealth and State legislative and regulatory requirements, including Australian / New Zealand Standards are both incorporated into training courses and are followed in the conduction of its’ business.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
As in partnership with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), the Company has a formal process in respect to RPL. Should further information be required, please contact the Company.

Assessment Methods

The Company will conduct assessments in a fair and equitable manner. The Company’s assessments meet the requirements of the endorsed components of Training Packages and the outcomes specified in accredited courses within the scope of its registration.

Literacy & Numeracy

The Company endeavours to enhance effective participation by all students, in the workplace and communities. Most of our training courses require the participant to have basic literacy and numeracy skills. Should the Purchaser have any concerns in this regard, please contact the Company to ensure a learning strategy is developed to ensure effective delivery of training.

RTO Partners

Safety Australia Training is in partnership with RTOs across Australia. For courses delivered and assessed by Safety Australia Training RTO partners, Safety Australia Training is only liable for marketing and booking process. Delivery, assessment, quality and compliance of training is sole responsibility of the related RTO.

Late Payments

Please be advised that late payment interest of 10% may be applied if we do not receive payment within 30 days from the due date of invoice.


Payment Plans Available

Pay your course fees in 4 installments through AfterPay or Klarna.